How To Write a Killer Blog? [Ultimate Step-By-Step Guide]

how to write blog

Are you struggling to get noticed by other bloggers or audiences? Are you frustrated by the lack of interest people show in your work? Or Are you disappointed that you are not getting the readership or attention that you deserve? Would you like to know how to write a killer blog and finally get people to notice what you have to say?

If so, then the following tips will help you get off to a flying start with your polished blog writing SEO skills. Before you know it, you’ll be writing the next big thing on the internet!

How to write a PERFECT blog?

Select your headline first

A killer headline is critical. If you can’t hook people with your headline, they won’t read your post. So before you even think about writing your first sentence, figure out what that headline is going to be and get it on paper (or screen). And make sure you have a long tail headline because there will be a chance to rank easily due to low competition.

Therefore, your first and main priority should be a solid headline. Once you decide on a perfect headline for your blog then the rest of your blog will be written smoothly.

Give an overview of your story in the introduction

A great introduction should give your reader an idea of what your blog is about, without giving away any crucial details. The best way to do that is to start with a brief overview of your content. Imagine you’re talking to someone who knows nothing about it—what would you say? Your intro should be easy-to-digest and entertaining, so precisely summarize your complete blog in the introduction section.

This will help draw readers in and make them want more! Grab the attention of the audience from starting so they must have an idea that what this blog will be all about. When possible, share statistics and industry research that backs up your claims. This will give your content credibility and back it up with facts.

Use keywords but don’t overdo it

When writing for an audience of strangers, you should consider using keywords people will use when they search for what you’re offering. This is a key to search engine optimization (SEO). Don’t stuff keywords into your content though—use them appropriately that look natural.

There are many keyword generator tools in the market which are helping bloggers and content writers to target their audience with the help of their searchable keywords and make the blog SEO optimized. If I talk about keyword generator tools, some are paid some are free. However, if you are a beginner then I would suggest you go for Google keyword planner.

This software is easy to understand for beginners and it’s free as well. So, play around with the above-mentioned keyword generator but keep this thing in mind that you do not need to overdo your keywords in the blog. This activity somehow tends to be a black hat technique and we have to avoid such techniques.

Don’t forget about images and video

Humans grab graphical content quickly, so you might as well make your content as appealing as possible. Images and videos also help boost your reader’s engagement by making it easier for them to visualize what you’re talking about. Plus, images get shared more often across social media.

So if you want people to start sharing your content with their friends, it pays off to load up on images and videos when possible. You should have at least 1-2 images or videos in every post, as they can increase your readership. The key is to make sure they are relevant and help support your main idea.

Keep the paragraphs short

People online have short attention spans. If your paragraphs are too long, they will be ignored by readers. Try to break down your long paragraphs into shorts. You can even try bullet points where necessary. The readability of bullet points and short paragraphs is much higher as compared to long and lengthy paragraphs. Therefore, write short and sweet. And don’t forget quality over quantity!

59 Content Frameworks [50M+ Views & $10M+ sales]
59 Content Frameworks [50M+ Views & $10M+ sales]

Select a niche of your interest

Selecting a topic that you enjoy can make the research and writing process go more quickly. The more you know about a subject, the more ideas you’ll have and the better understanding you’ll have of what other people might want to know about it. Plus, when you’re expressing something that means a lot to you, writing becomes a lot easier.

You must have heard people saying that writing is boring. Writing is not boring. You have jumped into the wrong niche. Once you write on a topic you are interested in or you have more knowledge about it then writing is a piece of cake for you. You will enjoy writing more than anything. That is why selecting a niche is important if you want to write a killer blog.

Maintain a conversational tone

The goal of writing a killer blog is to establish a trusting relationship with your potential audience. Try to implement the words like “I” and “you,” as much as possible because when you use these sorts of words the audience can feel that we are having direct communication through a blog.

On the other hand, do not use the word “and” more than once in a phrase. The readability graph of the audience gets down when you use the word “and” again and again.

Audiences enjoy the content when it is more conversational. Therefore, get the audience more engaged with you through this friendly tone.

how to write blog
Via HubSpot

Wrapping up

Now you know how to write a blog post and nail it. The key to writing a killer blog post is being yourself. Be honest, and don’t forget that you are always writing for an audience of one—yourself. If you can remember that, it should be much easier for you to create content that matters.

Creating a killer blog is not as difficult as it seems to be. Just note down all the tips which I have shared with you in this blog post. From selecting your main headline to your keyword research process. Choosing your area of interest and maintaining a conversational tone. All these factors are vital if you want to write a killer blog that gets viral quickly. 

Want to find out some professionals that can help you write a killer blog and save your precious time? Say no more. Here are some of the best options.





Aleena Shahid

Founder and CEO @ Hustlers Guide (or, in plain English, I'm the girl responsible for ensuring that your hustle knowledge stays true and on track).

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