99designs vs Fiverr: Which is the best platform for freelancing?

99designs vs Fiverr
99designs vs Fiverr

Are you looking for the best platform to showcase your design skills and land some awesome gigs? I know the struggle of trying to find the perfect platform that aligns with your expertise and helps you connect with clients who appreciate your talent. Don’t worry! Today, we’re diving into the world of design platforms and comparing two popular options: 99designs vs Fiverr. 

Whether you’re a graphic designer, writer, programmer, or any other creative professional, we’ll explore the features, benefits, and opportunities each platform offers. So, get ready to discover the platform that can elevate your freelancing career and connect you with clients who value your craft. 

99designs vs Fiverr: Differences 

In this section, we will delve into the key differences between 99designs and Fiverr, helping you understand which platform aligns better with your design needs. 

Let’s dive into the intricacies and nuances that set these two platforms apart to make an informed decision.

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CategoriesWide variety, including graphics, writing, programming, and moreFocused on graphic design and creative services
QualityVaries; designers have different skill levelsHigher average quality due to curated designer pool
Pricing StructureGig-based pricingContest-based or direct hire pricing models
Customization OptionsLimited to the scope of the gigMore flexibility to customize design requirements
Customer SupportAvailable, response times varyDedicated support team and dispute resolution
Turnaround TimeDepends on the freelancer’s availabilityContests may take longer, but direct hires are faster
Payment SecurityContest-based or direct-hire pricing modelsSecure payment system and refund policy

Working and Processing 

On 99designs, you have the opportunity to participate in design contests where clients provide a brief, and you submit your creative entries. It’s a competitive environment that allows you to showcase your skills and creativity while vying for the client’s selection.

On Fiverr, the process is more direct. Clients browse through your portfolio, gig descriptions, and reviews, and can hire you directly for their projects. You have the freedom to set your own gig packages, pricing, and turnaround time, making it a more flexible and direct way of securing work.

Pricing Structure

On 99designs, pricing can vary depending on the project type. For design contests, clients set a budget, and designers compete for the prize money. If you prefer direct hires, you have the flexibility to negotiate pricing based on the scope of the project and your expertise.

Fiverr, on the other hand, operates on gig-based pricing. You set your service packages with fixed prices, which can range from basic to premium offerings. Additional services or add-ons can be offered at an extra cost, allowing you to earn more for providing extra value.

Platform Usability and User Experience

99designs is known for its well-designed interface that facilitates seamless navigation. The platform provides tools and features tailored specifically for designers, making it easier to upload your work, communicate with clients, and manage projects effectively.

Fiverr, on the other hand, boasts a user-friendly interface that makes it easy to create your profile, set up gig packages, and communicate with clients. The platform provides a straightforward workflow, allowing you to track orders, manage revisions, and handle payments conveniently.

Customer Support and Dispute Resolution

99designs offers dedicated customer support with a team that is available to assist you throughout the design process. They can help resolve any issues or answer questions you may have, ensuring a smooth experience. In case of disputes, 99designs provides a dispute resolution process to mediate conflicts between designers and clients.

Fiverr also offers customer support, although response times may vary. They have a support team that can assist you with general inquiries or platform-related issues. In terms of dispute resolution, Fiverr provides a resolution center where you can communicate with clients to try and resolve conflicts. If necessary, Fiverr may step in to help mediate the situation.

Case Studies and Testimonials

99designs showcases various case studies of designers who have achieved success through their platform. These case studies highlight the designers’ experiences, the challenges they overcame, and the impact their work had on clients’ businesses. Reading these success stories can provide inspiration and insights into the potential opportunities on 99designs.

Fiverr also features testimonials and success stories from freelancers who have found success on the platform. These testimonials often highlight the freelancers’ journey, the projects they worked on, and the positive outcomes they achieved. By reading these testimonials, you can get a sense of the diverse range of freelancers who have flourished on Fiverr.

Did you know there are several scammers on Fiverr? Read this guide if you are not in the mood to interact with them.

Hot FAQs: 99designs vs Fiverr

What percentage does 99design take as commission?

99designs takes a commission ranging from 5% to 10% depending on the project type and total project value. The exact commission percentage is determined by factors such as project size, payment method, and the designer’s membership level.

What percentage does Fiverr take as commission?

Fiverr typically takes a commission of 20% on the total order value, which includes the service price and any additional service fees. This commission covers the platform’s operational costs and the services they provide to facilitate the transaction between buyers and sellers.

Is 99design better for designers than Fiverr?

The choice between 99designs and Fiverr ultimately depends on the individual designer’s preferences and goals. 99designs offers a curated designer pool, contests, and a focus on graphic design, making it a good fit for designers seeking higher-quality projects and a competitive environment. 

Fiverr, on the other hand, provides a broader range of services and may attract a larger client base. Ultimately, designers should consider their niche, preferred working style, and the type of clients they wish to target when deciding which platform aligns better with their needs.

What is the quality of designs available on 99designs vs Fiverr?

The quality of designs available on Fiverr can vary significantly, as it depends on the skills and expertise of individual freelancers. While you can find talented designers on Fiverr, due to the open nature of the platform, there may be a wider range in terms of quality. 

In contrast, 99designs has a reputation for maintaining a higher average quality due to its curated designer pool and emphasis on graphic design. It attracts designers who specialize in the field and are often more experienced, resulting in a generally higher standard of design work.

Which platform offers more customization options for design projects?

Both 99designs and Fiverr offer customization options for design projects, but the level of flexibility may differ. 99designs provides more extensive customization options as it primarily operates through contests or direct hires, allowing you to provide detailed briefs and work closely with designers to refine and iterate on designs. 

Fiverr, on the other hand, offers customization within the scope of gig packages, which may have predefined deliverables and limitations. While both platforms offer customization, 99designs generally provides more flexibility for tailored design projects.

Also Read: How To Start Freelancing on Fiverr Step by Step? [Unbelievable Secrets]

Wrapping up: 99designs vs Fiverr

So there you have it, folks! 99desgins vs Fiverr. Whether you’re a business owner searching for top-notch designs or a freelancer looking for the perfect platform to showcase your talent, it’s important to weigh the pros and cons of each option. 

Both 99designs and Fiverr have their unique strengths, pricing structures, and design quality. Ultimately, the right choice depends on your specific needs and preferences. So, go ahead and make an informed decision that will propel your design journey to new heights!


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Aleena Shahid

Founder and CEO @ Hustlers Guide (or, in plain English, I'm the girl responsible for ensuring that your hustle knowledge stays true and on track).

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