Answering 31+ LinkedIn Most Frequently Asked Questions (LinkedIn FAQs)

LinkedIn FAQs
LinkedIn FAQs

Are you tired of feeling stuck and overlooked in your professional journey? Do you find yourself grappling with unanswered questions about LinkedIn, the ultimate platform for career growth? Well, fret no more! In this exhilarating blog, we dive headfirst into the 31+ most frequently asked questions about LinkedIn.

Addressing your pain points head-on and empowering you to take control of your online presence. Say goodbye to confusion and frustration as we unravel the secrets to LinkedIn success, ensuring that you unlock endless opportunities and skyrocket your professional trajectory. 

Most Frequently Asked Questions

Did you know that LinkedIn boasts over 774 million members worldwide? With an astounding 90 million senior-level influencers and 63 million decision-makers actively engaging on the platform.

Let’s answer some frequently asked questions to clear out your concerns so you can also become a LinkedIn pro with a strong personal brand

What does actively recruiting mean on LinkedIn?

Actively recruiting means that a company or employer is actively seeking and inviting potential candidates to apply for job openings within their organization. It’s a proactive approach where companies use LinkedIn’s robust features, such as job postings, recruiter tools, and targeted messaging, to connect with and attract qualified talent.

By actively recruiting, companies demonstrate their commitment to finding the best candidates and are actively engaging in the hiring process. As a job seeker, being aware of companies that are actively recruiting can be advantageous as it increases your chances of finding relevant job opportunities and getting noticed by recruiters.

What is an interesting view on LinkedIn?

An interesting view on LinkedIn refers to a unique and engaging perspective or opinion shared by a user on the platform. It could be a thought-provoking article, a compelling personal story, an industry trend analysis, or even a captivating visual post that grabs attention. These views often spark discussions, attract engagement, and inspire others within the professional community.

By sharing interesting views on LinkedIn, you can establish yourself as a thought leader, build connections, and gain visibility in your industry. Remember, the more engaging and original your content, the higher the chances of it resonating with your audience and creating valuable connections.

Can someone on LinkedIn see if you search them?

No, other LinkedIn users cannot see if you specifically search for them. LinkedIn maintains user privacy and does not provide a feature that notifies individuals when someone searches for their profile. Your search activity remains confidential, allowing you to explore and discover other members without them being aware of your specific search.

However, it’s important to note that if you view someone’s profile after conducting a search, they may receive a notification showing that you have visited their profile, depending on their notification settings. So, feel free to explore profiles and network with peace of mind.

How to delete resumes on LinkedIn?

To delete resumes on LinkedIn, follow these simple steps:

  1. Go to your profile page.
  2. Scroll down to the “Featured” section, where your resumes are displayed.
  3. Locate the resume you want to delete and hover your mouse over it.
  4. Click on the three dots (ellipsis) that appear in the top right corner of the resume box.
  5. From the options that appear, select “Remove from Featured” or “Delete” to remove the resume permanently.

What does the check mark mean in LinkedIn messages? 

The check mark in LinkedIn messages represents a read receipt. When you send a message to someone on LinkedIn, a grey check mark appears next to the message, indicating that it has been successfully delivered to the recipient’s inbox.

Once the recipient opens and reads the message, the grey check mark turns into a blue check mark, indicating that the message has been seen or read by the recipient. This read-receipt feature provides you with confirmation that your message has been viewed, helping you track engagement and follow up accordingly.

Keep in mind that read receipts may not be displayed if the recipient has disabled this feature in their settings or if they are using certain versions of the LinkedIn mobile app.

Are messages on LinkedIn private?

Yes, messages on LinkedIn are private. When you send a message to another LinkedIn user, it is intended for direct communication between you and the recipient. The content of your messages is not visible to anyone else on the platform, ensuring confidentiality and privacy.

However, it’s important to note that plarform does have certain measures in place to enforce its terms of service and protect user safety. In exceptional circumstances, LinkedIn may access and review messages if there are concerns about violations or if legal obligations arise. Nevertheless, these instances are rare and LinkedIn maintains a commitment to safeguarding the privacy of its users’ communications.

Can people see if you search them on LinkedIn?

No, other users cannot see if you specifically search for their profile. Your search activity on LinkedIn is private and confidential. The platform respects user privacy and does not notify individuals when someone conducts a search on their name or profile.

However, it’s important to note that if you visit someone’s profile after conducting a search, they may receive a notification that shows you have viewed their profile. This notification will depend on the other person’s notification settings. So, while your search itself remains private, visiting someone’s profile may alert them to your visit.

Does LinkedIn show screenshots?

LinkedIn does not have a feature that directly supports the sharing or display of screenshots within its platform. The primary purpose of platform is to connect professionals, build networks, and share relevant content related to careers and businesses. While you can include images in posts, articles, and your profile, there isn’t a dedicated functionality for sharing screenshots specifically.

If you wish to showcase visual content or share screenshots with other users, it is recommended to use appropriate image formats such as JPEG or PNG and upload them as regular images within your posts or articles. This way, you can effectively convey your message or highlight specific information to your LinkedIn connections.

How to remove open to work on LinkedIn?

Remove the “Open to Work” badge from your LinkedIn with the following steps:

  1. Go to your LinkedIn account and open your profile page.
  2. Look for the section labeled “Intro” or “About” on your profile.
  3. Within that section, locate the green frame with the label “Open to Work” and click on it.
  4. A dropdown menu will appear with various options related to your job preferences.
  5. You can choose to turn off or close option to remove the “Open to Work” status.
  6. Confirm your selection if prompted.

Can LinkedIn Premium see anonymous?

No, LinkedIn Premium does not have the ability to see the specific identities of anonymous viewers who have chosen to visit your profile. The feature of anonymous profile viewing is designed to provide privacy to users who prefer to explore profiles discreetly.

While Premium offers enhanced features and insights, it does not grant access to the identities of anonymous viewers. You will still see the number of anonymous viewers and general statistics related to profile views, but their specific identities remain hidden unless they choose to reveal themselves by visiting your profile while logged in to their LinkedIn account.

Can you block people on LinkedIn?

Yes, you can block people on LinkedIn to restrict their access to your profile and communications. Once blocked, the person will no longer have access to your profile, and you will not receive any further messages or notifications from them. Additionally, they will be removed from your connections list, and their endorsements and recommendations will be hidden.

How to block someone on LinkedIn?

To block someone on LinkedIn, follow these steps:

  1. Open the profile of the person you want to block on LinkedIn. 
  2. On their profile page, locate the “More” button (represented by three dots) located at the top right corner of the profile section.
  3. Click on the “More” button, and a dropdown menu will appear.
  4. From the menu, select “Report/Block”.
  5. A window will pop up with options to either “Report” or “Block” the person. Choose “Block” to proceed.
  6. LinkedIn will ask for confirmation. Review the information, and if you’re sure about blocking the person, click “Continue” to block them.

How to unblock someone on LinkedIn?

To unblock someone on LinkedIn, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your LinkedIn account and click on your profile picture in the top right corner to access the dropdown menu.
  2. Select “Settings & Privacy” from the menu options.
  3. On the left-hand side of the page, click on “Blocking and hiding” under the “Account” section.
  4. Scroll down to the “Blocked” section, where you’ll find a list of profiles you have blocked.
  5. Locate the profile of the person you want to unblock and click on the “Unblock” button next to their name.
  6. Confirm your decision by clicking “Unblock” in the pop-up window that appears.

How to add volunteer experience on LinkedIn?

To add volunteer experience on LinkedIn, follow these steps:

  1. Click on the ‘view profile’ option in the Me tab to open your profile page.
  2. Under the “Introduction” or “About” section, click on the “Add profile section” button.
  3. From the dropdown menu that appears, select “Volunteer Experience”.
  4. A new section will be added to your profile specifically for volunteer experience.
  5. Fill in the details of your volunteer experience, including the organization, role, cause, and duration.
  6. You can also include a description of your responsibilities, accomplishments, and any relevant projects or initiatives you were involved in.
  7. Save the changes once you have filled in the necessary information.

How to repost on LinkedIn?

To repost or share someone else’s content on LinkedIn, follow these steps:

  1. Find the post you want to repost on your LinkedIn feed or someone’s profile.
  2. Below the post, you will see options such as “Like,” “Comment,” and “Share.”
  3. Click on the “Share” button, and a pop-up window will appear.
  4. In the pop-up window, you can add a comment to provide context or your thoughts on the content.
  5. Choose where you want to share the post by selecting the options available, such as sharing it on your LinkedIn feed, in a message, or in a group.
  6. Once you have added your comment and selected the desired sharing option, click on the “Post” or “Share” button to repost the content on your LinkedIn.

How to see your applications on LinkedIn?

To view your job applications on LinkedIn, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your LinkedIn account and click on your profile picture in the top right corner to access the dropdown menu.
  2. Select “Jobs” from the menu options.
  3. On the Jobs page, click on the “Manage Applications” tab located at the top of the page.
  4. You will be presented with a list of your job applications, including the position title, company name, and application status.
  5. Click on any specific application to view more details, such as the date of application, any messages exchanged with the company, and any updates on the application status.

How do you tag a company on LinkedIn?

To tag a company on LinkedIn, follow these steps:

  1. Begin creating a new post or editing an existing post on LinkedIn.
  2. In the text area where you write your post, type the “@” symbol followed by the name of the company you want to tag.
  3. As you type, LinkedIn will provide suggestions in a dropdown menu. Select the correct company from the suggestions.
  4. The company’s name will now be highlighted, indicating that it has been tagged.
  5. Finish composing your post and add any additional content or hashtags as desired.
  6. Once you’re ready, click the “Post” button to publish your tagged post.

How to add work history to LinkedIn?

To add work history to LinkedIn, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your LinkedIn account and navigate to your profile page.
  2. Under the “Introduction” or “About” section, click on the “Add profile section” button.
  3. From the dropdown menu that appears, select “Experience.”
  4. A new section will be added to your profile specifically for work experience.
  5. Fill in the details of your work history, including the job title, company name, location, employment dates, and job description.
  6. You can also include information such as achievements, responsibilities, and key projects you were involved in.
  7. Save the changes once you have filled in the necessary information.

How to cancel LinkedIn Premium?

To cancel LinkedIn Premium, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your LinkedIn account and click on your profile picture in the top right corner to access the dropdown menu.
  2. Select “Premium subscription settings” from the menu options.
  3. On the Premium subscription settings page, click on the “Manage Premium account” option.
  4. Under the “Account type” section, click on the “Cancel subscription” link.
  5. LinkedIn will prompt you to provide a reason for canceling. Choose the most appropriate option from the dropdown menu.
  6. After selecting a reason, click on the “Continue to cancel” button.
  7. Review the details of your cancellation and click on the “Cancel subscription” button to confirm.

What are impressions on LinkedIn?

Impressions on LinkedIn refer to the number of times your content, such as a post or article, is displayed on users’ screens. It represents the potential reach of your content and indicates how many times it has been viewed by LinkedIn members.

Each time your content appears on someone’s feed, whether they scroll past it or engage with it, it counts as an impression. Impressions help you gauge the visibility and impact of your content, allowing you to measure its reach and effectiveness. It is an important metric to track when assessing the performance and engagement of your LinkedIn posts and campaigns.

Does LinkedIn have read receipts?

Yes, LinkedIn has a read receipt feature called “Read by” that allows you to see if a message you’ve sent has been read by the recipient. When the recipient opens and reads your message, you will see a “Read by” notification below the message, along with the person’s name and a timestamp indicating when it was read.

However, it’s important to note that the read receipt feature is not available in all cases. Some users may have disabled this feature in their LinkedIn settings, or they may be using older versions of the LinkedIn mobile app that do not support read receipts. Therefore, while read receipts can provide valuable insights into message engagement, they may not always be visible for every interaction on LinkedIn.

How to promote podcasts on LinkedIn?

To effectively promote a podcast on LinkedIn, follow these steps:

  1. Optimize your LinkedIn profile
  2. Create engaging posts
  3. Join relevant groups
  4. Leverage LinkedIn articles
  5. Engage with your network
  6. Collaborate with guests or influencers
  7. Use LinkedIn ads

How to find someone’s birthday on LinkedIn?

Finding someone’s birthday on LinkedIn is not a straightforward process as it does not provide a specific field or feature to display birthdays on user profiles. The platform focuses primarily on professional networking and information related to career and education.

Typically, users on LinkedIn do not publicly share their birthdays. However, if someone has voluntarily included their birthday in their profile’s About section or if they receive birthday wishes from their connections, it might be visible in the feed or comments section on their birthday.

It’s important to respect privacy boundaries and not actively seek or use personal information without the individual’s consent. Focus on building professional connections and engaging in meaningful conversations related to careers and industries on LinkedIn.

How to get headhunted on LinkedIn?

To increase your chances of getting headhunted on LinkedIn, follow these strategies:

  1. Optimize your profile
  2. Add headline and creative banner
  3. Showcase your expertise
  4. Expand your network
  5. Enable Open to Work
  6. Utilize keywords and skills
  7. Actively engage with recruiters
  8. Seek recommendations

How to put study abroad on LinkedIn?

To include your study abroad experiences on LinkedIn, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your LinkedIn account and navigate to your profile page.
  2. Under the “Introduction” or “About” section, click on the “Add profile section” button.
  3. From the dropdown menu that appears, select “Education.”
  4. In the education section, fill in the details of your study abroad experience, including the university or institution name, location, degree or program pursued, and the dates of your study abroad.
  5. Provide a brief description highlighting the key aspects of your study abroad experience, such as the cultural immersion, coursework, research projects, or any notable achievements during your time abroad.
  6. If applicable, you can also mention any foreign languages you learned or improved upon during your study abroad.
  7. Save the changes once you have filled in the necessary information.

How to put your LinkedIn on a business card?

To include your profile on a business card, follow these steps:

  1. Decide where on the business card you want to include your LinkedIn profile. 
  2. Find the official LinkedIn logo or icon to add to your business card. 
  3. Display your LinkedIn profile URL in a clear and readable font. 
  4. You can format it as “” or use a URL shortener like to create a shorter, more concise link.
  5. Consider adding a brief call-to-action phrase such as “Connect with me on LinkedIn” or “Let’s connect professionally.”
  6. Ensure the LinkedIn information on your business card is visually consistent with the rest of the design. 
  7. Test the legibility of the font size and placement on the printed business card to ensure it is easily readable.

How to find former employees of a company on LinkedIn?

To find former employees of a specific company on LinkedIn, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the homepage and type the name of the company in the search bar at the top.
  2. From the dropdown menu, select the company name when it appears.
  3. On the company’s page, navigate to the “People” tab.
  4. By default, the tab will show current employees. To find former employees, click on the “All Filters” button on the right side.
  5. In the filters panel, scroll down and select “Past” under the “Connections” section. This will display profiles of individuals who have previously worked at the company.
  6. You can further refine your search by adding other filters such as location, job title, or years of employment to narrow down the results.
  7. Browse through the list of profiles to find former employees and click on their profiles to view more details about their work history and experience.

Can you post reels on LinkedIn?

To initiate video recording, tap on the record button positioned at the center of your screen. Don’t hesitate to take multiple clips, as you can later combine and edit them seamlessly. When your Reel is ready to be shared, click on the right-facing triangle icon located next to the record button to publish it.

How to add a portfolio to LinkedIn?

To add a portfolio to your profile, follow these steps:

  1. Gather the documents, files, or links that showcase your work, such as samples of projects, presentations, articles, or websites.
  2. Log in to your account and go to your profile page.
  3. Under the “Featured” section, click on the “Add featured” button. If you don’t see this section, click on the “Add profile section” button and select “Featured” from the dropdown menu.
  4. The platform allows you to add various types of media, including documents, images, links, articles, or videos.
  5. Depending on the type of media you selected, either upload the file from your computer or provide the URL or link to the portfolio item. 
  6. Provide a clear and descriptive title for each portfolio item, and include a brief description that highlights its relevance, your role, and any notable accomplishments or insights.
  7. You can also rearrange the order of your portfolio items by dragging and dropping them. 
  8. Once you have added and arranged your portfolio items, click on the “Save” or “Done” button to finalize the updates to your LinkedIn profile.

How to add an external link to LinkedIn profile?

To add an external link to your LinkedIn profile, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your LinkedIn account and navigate to your profile page.
  2. Click on the “Add profile section” button located below your profile header.
  3. From the dropdown menu, select “Featured” and then choose “Links.”
  4. In the “Add a link” field, enter the URL of the external website or page you want to link to. Make sure to include the full URL, including the “https://” or “http://” prefix.
  5. Enter a clear and descriptive title that represents the linked content or website.
  6. Optional: LinkedIn will automatically generate a preview of the linked content, including an image and a brief description. You can choose to customize this preview by clicking on the pencil icon and uploading a different image or editing the description.
  7. Click on the “Add” button to add the external link to your profile.
  8. Once you have added the external link, click on the “Save” or “Done” button to finalize the updates to your LinkedIn profile.

How to cancel LinkedIn learning?

To cancel your LinkedIn Learning subscription, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your account and navigate to your profile page.
  2. Click on the “Me” icon in the top right corner of the page.
  3. From the dropdown menu, select “Learning.”
  4. On the Learning page, click on the “Manage” tab.
  5. Under the “Subscriptions” section, you will find your active Learning subscription. Click on the “Manage” link next to it.
  6. You will be redirected to the billing and subscription management page. Look for the “Cancel subscription” option and click on it.
  7. LinkedIn will provide you with details about the cancellation process and any relevant information about your subscription. Review the information carefully.
  8. Follow the prompts to confirm the cancellation of your LinkedIn Learning subscription. You may be asked to provide a reason for canceling.
  9. Once the cancellation is confirmed, you should receive a confirmation message indicating that your subscription has been canceled.

How to create a profile video?

To create a LinkedIn profile video, follow these steps:

  1. Determine the key points you want to convey in your video, such as your professional background, skills, accomplishments, and career goals.
  2. You can use a smartphone, webcam, or digital camera to record your video. Ensure that the device captures clear audio and video quality.
  3. Select a quiet and well-lit space for recording your video. Consider a professional backdrop or a setting that reflects your industry or work environment.
  4. Familiarize yourself with the script or key points you want to cover. Practice speaking confidently and naturally. Consider recording a few takes to review and make improvements.
  5. Position your recording device securely and ensure that it captures your face and upper body clearly. Test the audio levels to ensure proper sound quality.
  6. Press the record button and start delivering your script or speaking freely based on your outline. Maintain eye contact with the camera and speak with clarity and enthusiasm. Aim for a video duration of around 1-2 minutes to keep it concise and engaging.
  7. If needed, you can edit your video using video editing software or apps. Trim any unnecessary footage, adjust brightness or audio levels, and add captions or graphics if desired.
  8. Once you’re satisfied with the final version of your video, save it in a compatible file format. Popular formats include MP4 or MOV.
  9. Log in to your LinkedIn account, go to your profile page, and click on the “Add profile section” button.
  10. From the dropdown menu, select “Featured” and then choose “Media.” Upload your video file and add a title, description, and relevant tags.
  11. Preview your video on your profile to ensure it appears as desired. Click on the “Save” or “Publish” button to make it visible to your connections and network.

Wrapping Up

You have now armed yourself with the knowledge to conquer LinkedIn like a pro. By answering the 31+ most frequently asked questions, I have empowered you to overcome obstacles and maximize your career potential.  

So, optimize your profile, connect with influential leaders, and showcase your expertise. It’s time for me to wave goodbye to uncertainty and leap into a future brimming with success. I’m ready to embrace this exhilarating journey ahead and watch my professional trajectory soar!

Want to understand how the LinkedIn platform works? Check out this detailed guide on LinkedIn SSI score.

Also read: What is Marketing Labs Linkedin? How to use Marketing Labs LinkedIn?

Aleena Shahid

Founder and CEO @ Hustlers Guide (or, in plain English, I'm the girl responsible for ensuring that your hustle knowledge stays true and on track).

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